CED Blog

Back-to-School Reading List

August 17, 2016

As we’re entering the back-to-school season, one of our pillars of business (and personal well-being) is a commitment to continued growth and learning. We’ve got a reading list to help us do just that.

A Commitment to Authenticity

May 12, 2016

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with the proprietor of the restaurants, Church & State and Spring, Yassmin Sarmadi. We talked to her about great food, great wine and her commitment to authenticity, personally and professionally.

CED Cares: Ensuring a Sustainable Future

April 13, 2016

Next Friday, April 22, is Earth Day. We’d like to extend a challenge. Take a look at your office, your business, your life. What changes can you make to help ensure a sustainable future?

International Women’s Day 2016

March 9, 2016

Yesterday was International Women’s Day 2016 and as a woman-owned company, we here at CED are all about empowered women. It’s amazing to look back over history and see how far women have come and to know that we’re not done yet. Helping empower people is something I’ve become committed to. It is truly thrilling to be able

Julie: Clarity, Truth and Voice

January 20, 2016

What did you want to see reflected?
Clarity, Truth and Voice in all of my affairs (which should keep me busy in this lifetime).

What was going on in your life that prompted you to make this commitment? I was leaving a senior position at a marketing agency to focus on my start-up Tribemint, which is all about following your heart’s dreams and making them a reality.

A Commitment to Meals on Wheels

November 24, 2015

Gina Riberi is one amazing lady we have had the pleasure of getting to know better through her work with St. Vincent Meals on Wheels.   We had the opportunity to sit down with her and have her share some of her inspirations and commitments with CED. What or who inspires you? What: I love great

Committed to Positive Energy

October 15, 2015

We sat down with our friend and video producer, John Moody for an interview about his agency, Mindsoil, the CED project and what makes him tick.

A Commitment to Integrity

August 18, 2015

We’re committed to integrity, personally and in design work. We want our designs to be modern in function but they should still feel comfortable in the environment they’re in.

Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose

July 15, 2015

People have jewelry they don’t wear. It’s not their style anymore, they inherited it, it was a well intentioned gift. Enter CED, here to reuse, recycle, repurpose.