CED Blog

Solar Power

July 10, 2019

While many of us are looking for ways to beat the summer heat, I like to remember that the sun’s power is an amazing way to recharge. How do you recharge your power? Share your sunshine!

Father’s Day 2019 || Staying Playful

June 11, 2019

My father was a toolmaker. He was trained in Germany when CAD, computer-aided design, was in the distant future. So you can imagine his precision, no point in wondering where I get that from. But my dad also has a curious and playful side.

Spring Cleaning & Forgotten Baubles

May 22, 2019

It’s almost summer but better late than never on my spring cleaning this year. Last month, I went through my mother’s jewelry box and it made me realize I needed to go through my own.

I Planted the Seeds, This is What I Grew

October 3, 2018

You work all the time – toiling and planting. When do you get to reap what you sow? This vacation was my reaping. I planted the seeds, this is what I grew.

Intentional Elegance

August 22, 2018

Lately I’ve been finding that my clients are hungry for more meaning in their lives. I’ve gotten so many requests from people looking to honor their life experiences and reflect back their truths. To create intentional elegance for them.

An Elegant Equation

August 8, 2018

I am not a mathematician, however my life changed when I adjusted the equation. I started trying to live with intention rather than reacting to things happening around me.


July 11, 2018

Contrast fascinates me. Rough and clean, old and new, organic and structured, dark and light, masculine and feminine. Despite the inherent tension, it all lives at the same time.

What Will Be Your Legacy?

April 12, 2018

Just the other day I was walking down the street, feeling really happy as I thought about jewelry making and how my work is my passion. It took a few minutes before I noticed that nearly every person I passed on the street was smiling at me – total strangers in DTLA where usually you can’t

Gratitude as a Way of Life

November 8, 2017

In order to shift gracefully, I have to be still and be grateful in the present moment. I cannot get to the next moment without being present in this one first.