CED Blog

I Planted the Seeds, This is What I Grew

October 3, 2018

You work all the time – toiling and planting. When do you get to reap what you sow? This vacation was my reaping. I planted the seeds, this is what I grew.

Gone on Holiday

September 6, 2018

So many countries close their shops to take a holiday. The US is one of the few countries so bent on productivity, we can often times forget to enjoy the spoils of our toils. Well, enough of that! Ren and I are taking a holiday!

Intentional Elegance

August 22, 2018

Lately I’ve been finding that my clients are hungry for more meaning in their lives. I’ve gotten so many requests from people looking to honor their life experiences and reflect back their truths. To create intentional elegance for them.

An Elegant Equation

August 8, 2018

I am not a mathematician, however my life changed when I adjusted the equation. I started trying to live with intention rather than reacting to things happening around me.


July 11, 2018

Contrast fascinates me. Rough and clean, old and new, organic and structured, dark and light, masculine and feminine. Despite the inherent tension, it all lives at the same time.

The Men on My Mind

June 13, 2018

June is always the month I celebrate the men in my life. The truth is, there are so many men who have impacted my life and helped me grow.

What My Mother Didn’t Say

May 9, 2018

It’s not always the advice your mother tells you, sometimes it’s the example they live. Sometimes it’s what your mother didn’t say.

Natural Inspiration for Transformation

April 25, 2018

I’ve written a few times about how inspired I am by things in nature. The geometry of it, the beauty of it, the unassumingness of it all. But lately I’ve been thinking about the cycle of nature and the cues we can take from the transformation from dormancy into vibrancy.

What Will Be Your Legacy?

April 12, 2018

Just the other day I was walking down the street, feeling really happy as I thought about jewelry making and how my work is my passion. It took a few minutes before I noticed that nearly every person I passed on the street was smiling at me – total strangers in DTLA where usually you can’t