National Simplify Your Life Week

I love the idea of Simplify Week for so many reasons. First and foremost, here at CED, we love simple, minimal design. The phrase, “less is more,” is from a poem by Robert Browning but adopted and widely popularized by our crush, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (particularly in relation to minimal design concepts). Simplified designs are the basis of our business and something we’re very passionate about.

Secondly, who couldn’t stand to have a bit of simplicity in their life? Nearly everyone I know feels as if their life is chaotic and endlessly busy. I know I often feel that way, too! It sounds like such a treat to have a day to just be. No projects, no deadlines, no business promotion, no errands. Just a simple day to relax, daydream, and center my thoughts and emotions.

And another way I think I could help simplify my life is to declutter. End of summer cleaning instead of spring cleaning. Throughout the years we all accumulate stuff we don’t need so every once in awhile I think it’s great to go through and simplify. Closets, work spaces, kitchens, linens, junk drawers, all of it. Simplify!

Less is more, in design and in life.

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