Challenge: Cultivating Playful Creativity

There is only one rule: Have fun with it! Try something different. Push yourself out of your comfort zone enough to start creating some new pathways in that glorious brain of yours. Give yourself permission to go a little crazy with it!


Here are some practices I’ve thought of that you can easily do at home:

  • Add a new spice or food to the usual fare at home. Set the table in a playful way.
  • Do a squish painting. Mix colors together on a piece of paper then fold it in half, squishing all the colors together. See what happens!
  • Dance freely! Play your favorite dance tune and dance your heart out. Then, switch it up and dance in a totally different way. Notice how it feels in your body…the music, the movement, the energy as it flows.
  • Play dress up – and don’t hold back.
  • Write a fun, short story for the child in you. (I always loved Nancy Drew, so maybe I’ll be the heroine of my own detective story.)
  • Close your eyes and try drawing a picture.
  • Have friends over and play charades.
  • Run through the sprinklers (maybe after it warms up!)
  • Pick wildflowers and make them into a crown to wear. Declare yourself Queen or King for the day.
  • If you’re having a challenging moment, make up a silly song and turn your frustration into a pretty little ditty.


If you choose to accept this mission, please tell me about it! I’d love to hear about your experience (or see photographic evidence!) because, after all, inspiration is everywhere and so much better when shared.

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