Sometimes the best motherly advice comes from what your mother didn’t say.
My mother immigrated here in her 20s, without knowing the language, she went back to school, and broke social norms by leaving an unhealthy marriage. Not everything in that scenario was ideal, but she pressed forward so she could continue to grow. She turned negatives into positives and made the best of it all. My mother lost her job because the company she was working for closed. But she didn’t stay down. Instead, she started her own business and ran it for thirty years.
My mother taught me anything is possible. She taught me to prioritize my life, my dreams, my personal growth. Because of my mom’s example, I started my own business, had the courage to free myself from an unhealthy relationship, and have created the life I want.
It’s not always the advice your mother tells you, sometimes it’s the example they live. Sometimes it’s what your mother didn’t say.
However, sometimes it is what they say. We asked our friends and clients if they had any words of wisdom from their mothers or grandmothers. Here’s what they shared with us:
“If not now…when?” Jen P.
“It’s your story: write it in your own words.” – Kim K.
“I’ve learned to reach a hand back to help other women move forward, and we’re also starting to reach across, to work collectively as a group to help each other take risks.” – Eve P.
“You’ve got to ask for things. If you never ask, you’ll never get that opportunity.” – Sylvia M.
“You make the life you want to live.” – Caron G.
“It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” – Nicole J.
“Taking risks means trusting yourself.” – Jessica M.